
Archive for March, 2015

“If there’s enough love among you, you’ll have abundant harvest, because love is a feeling that transforms everything. You’ve grown used to one another-passion died a long time ago. That’s why the earth gives only what it gave last year-neither more nor less. And that’s why, in the darkness of your souls, you silently complain nothing in your lives changes. Why? Because you always tried to control the force that transforms everything so that your lives can carry on without being faced by major challenges.”

(Witch of Portobello: Paulo Coelho)


So many people in this world fear change. They seek out the comfortable, the safe. They build an entire life out of a desire for security, safety, something certain. They spend their entire lives trying to make sure nothing changes. That their marriage remains the same-as happy and filled with passion as the beginning. That their financial situation only continues to “improve”, providing them “security” throughout their lives. That they continue to move forward in their job, even if they don’t enjoy the work they do, because that’s what we’ve been told we are supposed to do.

But meanwhile, what happened to our sense of adventure? What happened to the empowerment of discovering new and different horizons, of taking on new challenges and meeting new people and experiencing new things? Our spirit falls asleep as we hold so tightly to ensuring every detail of our day remains perfect and the same as the day before-all according to our plan, our routine. While we hold this death grip around our surroundings between our clenched fists, our heart quietly cries out in those spaces for some sort of joy, of change, of new life breathed into each moment.

We ignore the laws of the universe-that everything changes and transforms. We fear this process, perhaps because we fear the growing pains. We fear the fading of something we love. But what if something even more beautiful rests on the other side? Awaiting the moment when we step forth with the courage that lives within each of us, and just for today say-I release this control I think I have on this situation, and let whatever will be, be.  We waste energy and precious time and sacrifice our health daily by trying to overrule the universe and force our desires upon it. Denying there is a grander plan at play here because that idea seems too far fetched for us. And yet when something works in our favor, we cling to the idea of destiny. It applies to both situations of pain and suffering, as well as love and joy.

What if we lived for each moment? Not even just for today…everyone tries to focus on that ideal…But for each and every blissful moment, pulling ourselves into our present reality. Noticing the beauty around us within each step we take, appreciating the gift of breathing new air into our lungs, of interacting with our surroundings and loved ones and new people. Each moment is a gift, a blessing, an opportunity to experience something new… an opportunity to realize how blessed we are just to be sharing this human experience with one another. That we are given a chance to grow and learn to love ourselves and one another.

What if today, we accepted that change is necessary. That things do not stay the same. This is the law in the universe around us. It is evident in all life forms, in all natural processes, in all creatures. It is even evident within our own bodies. We grow, transform, change. Even if we fight it with every molecule of our being, we will age and we will grow old.  This does not mean life is finite, but rather always changing. Perhaps our existence in this world changes when we go but since energy can neither be created, nor destroyed, we must move forward in some form.  What if today, when we felt overwhelmed by this notion of change-this fear of something ending or something beginning, we instead just took a deep breath and let go of that fear, replacing it with laughter, love, trust. Just for today, trust that something must die for something new to be created. If we hold on so deeply our entire lives to all that we know, it can never be allowed to manifest into something even more beautiful. Our reality is consistently changing, but those changes can be beautiful. Pain is only temporary. Allowing yourself to experience the lows in turn creates higher highs and an appreciation for the beauty in our lives. After all, we did sign up for the human experience right? That entails discovering a full range of emotions, not just the good ones.

What if today we appreciate and accept the laws of the universe-the give and flow of energy. We let go of ideas and concepts and things that no longer serve us and welcome in the new-that which inspires us. In each moment, we can change our mindset. With every word that passes our lips and each thought that enters our minds, we can change our reality. We can manifest anything we wish. The law of attraction says what we put out will be returned. What are you putting into the universe with each word, each thought? What will you create today?

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